With any investment, there can feel like a lot of moving pieces. Stay educated and up to date. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out!
If you see any terms that are confusing to you, be sure to check out our glossary.
Investing in Public Storage
I recently held a webinar talking about what it looks like to invest in public storage facilities. It was great having some of you members on along with some people that are just looking to get started with real estate investing.
Minimum investment requirements
Perhaps you have been introduced to a new opportunity and find out that there is a minimum subscription amount that exceeds what you have on hand or wish to put into the deal.
Using retirement accounts for investing in real estate
Perhaps you thinking or asking: Can I use my own IRAs or 401k to invest in real estate of my choice? Or, I’ve heard of stock funds that invest in real estate, but can I invest directly into properties of my choosing?
Why are there different types of shares in a deal?
So, you’re beginning to hear there are different types of shares in a commercial deal and are either through: Reading a PPM you have just received, reviewing a new investor interest survey that includes a tentative pro forma…
New to investing in real estate? Start here!
A common question we hear asked is: “how do I get started with investing in real estate?” If you’re not sure what your first step should be, or if you’re even interested in real estate investing, you’ve come to the right place.
Glossary of terms
Accredited Investor – Generally speaking, an accredited investor is an individual who qualifies to invest in real estate syndications by satisfying one of the requirements established by the SEC. In simple terms
Understanding Cap Rate
Every commercial investment is valued to a great extent by its Capitalization Rate (or “Cap Rate”)Therefore, it’s vital that every investor know what it means and how it is used by different players in the deal.
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